Saturday 16 January 2016

Six Words: Always

Six Words Friday is a meme that Miriam has just started. She will give a word each week for a picture and six word caption. You can find out more about it here. I am a day late starting.

                                     I always struggle at the end.


  1. I love the way you've photographed this. Sadly, I struggle most of the way through a jigsaw puzzle.

  2. It is a great picture. I'm hopeless at jigsaws. We have a Game of Thrones one on the go at the minute and it all looks the same colour to me

  3. Huge progress since last Sunday! I always struggle after the interesting bit is done and probably give up - but you don't!

  4. Makes me want to jump in and help with the finish - I love it when we get this far. Great interpretations too. This is the third blog I've read today about jigsaw puzzles.

  5. I like jigsaw puzzles - although these days I play them on my ipad.
