Friday 18 December 2015

A Mix up of Seasons

The picture on front of the paper yesterday was picking daffodils in December because of the very mild weather. I haven't seen any daffodils out but I have spotted primroses in flower.


  1. Crazy mild weather here also. Yesterday I saw a freshly bloomed yellow dandelion & a purple pansy - well at least they were coloured co-originated. Pretty Primrose.

  2. It's crazy, isn't it? It was 15 degrees in Plymouth at 7pm yesterday! Thanks goodness I have my boy home for the next few weeks.

  3. As we got close to Shillington today we were amazed to see a fully flowering line of good size daffodils along a verge in front of a house. Also lots of autumn flowering cherry trees which surely would not usually have kept going this long?
