Wednesday 15 July 2015

Sunflower Pairs

I am joining in Helena's Pairs today. I always try and grow some sunflowers in my garden. They were great fun when the children were small and I have just continued to grow them. Last year we made a visit to Croyde Bay. I was rather taken with the brown and orange sunflowers growing in the National Trust tea rooms Walled Garden. So this year I decided for a change. I have grown Sutton seeds "Shock O Lat".


They are very pretty and I can see that I am going to get multiple flowers from each plant. The flower heads are however small only about 5in across. I kind of miss my normal ones. However I have had one or two self sown ones emerge such as this yellow one still with a smallish flower.


I am not sure if this one has come from a previous plant or whether the birds have dropped a seed from the bird feeder.
So Brown or Yellow.  Sown or Self Sown.  Different or Traditional.  Which flower do you prefer?



  1. I love the traditional yellow flower and have to admit I'm not sure whether I like the Shock O Lat variety. It's a great idea for a 'pair'!

  2. Lovely flowers. Like the name, "Shock O Lat". It is the chipmunks in my garden that randomly plant sunflowers for me. These ones do not get big or tall. I like the yellow ones best but I have seen in a blog garden near white ones and those I think I would like even better.

  3. hmmm.I like both sunflowers!! My poor little seedlings probably won't even make it to flowers this year..They are only about a foot tall.....
    great to get 3 pairs in one set!
    Great name for the brown sunflower too!

  4. Gosh! My sunflowers aren't even close to blooming yet!! I imagine the browns and yellows together would make a lovely spectacle.

  5. I love sunflowers, any shape, size or colour. Great name for the brownish one!

  6. I like both - maybe next year a few tall yellow ones with a bed of chocolate ones below? I like the idea that seeds from the bird feeder might grow

  7. Well spotted Maggie. That is indeed my girl giving her prom dress a second outing.

  8. I like both but have a soft spot for the traditional yellow.

  9. I love them both - so sunny and happy

  10. Oh, I love sunflowers! Such a wonderful Pair.
